Month: March 2010

Spring has Sprung!
Well, today is the official first day of spring. Like clock-work, it is also the first day it wasn’t too cold in the house and I shut the heat off. I also BBQed last night for my cousins who are visiting from Portland. So now I’m thinking I’ll pull out the cargo shorts… why not!? […]
TAWD March 20, 2010
Here comes the Bride!
It seems that the latest hook in magazine subscription sales is to send out a complementary subscription. The notion is, that after a while, people will get hooked on your publication and when the free subscription is up and the notice comes in the mail, people will pay to renew with glee. I have received […]
TAWD March 15, 2010
“Black Light”
“Black Light” is Groove Armada’s follow up to 2008’s “Soundboy Rock.” This album has a few subtle differences compared to other GA albums. For one, no horns. And that’s funny because they always seem to sneak a trumpet or something in there somewhere! Also, there are no instrumentals. Everything song has a vocalist which, again […]
TAWD March 11, 2010